cocos2d x - Not able to change the background of the scene in cocos2dx android -

i have started game development using cocos2dx. , started helloworld sample game. able run sample game. when try change background color, getting error in

 **helloworldscene.h**     type 'helloworld' must implement inherited pure virtual method 'cocos2d::ccrgbaprotocol::setopacity'   **changes:** class helloworld : public cocos2d::cclayercolor 

and in

    **helloworldscene.cpp**      invalid arguments '     candidates are:     bool initwithcolor(const cocos2d::_cccolor4b &, ?, ?)     bool initwithcolor(const cocos2d::_cccolor4b &)     '    **changes:**    cc_break_if(!cclayercolor::initwithcolor(ccc4(255,255,255,255))); 

i new cocos2dx , c++. there thing left include or what? please me solve issue. thank you.



#include "helloworldscene.h"  using namespace cocos2d; using namespace cocosdenshion;  ccscene* helloworld::scene() {     ccscene * scene = null;     {          // 'scene' autorelease object         //ccscene *scene = ccscene::create();         scene = ccscene::create();         cc_break_if(!scene);          // 'layer' autorelease object         helloworld *layer = helloworld::create();         cc_break_if(!layer);         // add layer child scene         scene->addchild(layer);     } while (0);     // return scene     return scene; }  // on "init" need initialize instance bool helloworld::init() {     bool bret = false;     {           //////////////////////////////         // 1. super init first         //if ( !cclayer::init())         //{             //return false;         //}          //cc_break_if(!cclayer::init());         cc_break_if(!cclayercolor::initwithcolor(ccc4(255,255,255,255)));         /////////////////////////////         // 2. add menu item "x" image, clicked quit program         //    may modify it.          // add "close" icon exit progress. it's autorelease object         ccmenuitemimage *pcloseitem = ccmenuitemimage::create(                 "closenormal.png",                 "closeselected.png",                 this,                 menu_selector(helloworld::menuclosecallback) );         pcloseitem->setposition( ccp(ccdirector::shareddirector()->getwinsize().width - 20, 20) );          // create menu, it's autorelease object         ccmenu* pmenu = ccmenu::create(pcloseitem, null);         pmenu->setposition( ccpointzero );         this->addchild(pmenu, 1);          /////////////////////////////         // 3. add codes below...          // add label shows "hello world"         // create , initialize label         cclabelttf* plabel = cclabelttf::create("game", "thonburi", 38);          // ask director window size         ccsize size = ccdirector::shareddirector()->getwinsize();          // position label on center of screen         plabel->setposition( ccp(size.width / 2, size.height - 20) );          // add label child layer         this->addchild(plabel, 1);          // add "helloworld" splash screen"         ccsprite* psprite = ccsprite::create("untitled1.png");          // position sprite on center of screen         psprite->setposition( ccp(size.width/2, size.height/2) );          // add sprite child layer         this->addchild(psprite, 0);          ccsprite* player = ccsprite::create("player.png", ccrectmake(0, 0, 27, 50));         player->setposition(ccp(player->getcontentsize().width/2, size.height/2));         this->addchild(player);         bret = true;      } while (0);     return bret; }  void helloworld::menuclosecallback(ccobject* psender) {     ccdirector::shareddirector()->end();  #if (cc_target_platform == cc_platform_ios)     exit(0); #endif } 


#ifndef __helloworld_scene_h__ #define __helloworld_scene_h__  #include "cocos2d.h" #include "simpleaudioengine.h"  //class helloworld : public cocos2d::cclayer class helloworld : public cocos2d::cclayercolor { public:     // here's difference. method 'init' in cocos2d-x returns bool, instead of returning 'id' in cocos2d-iphone     virtual bool init();      // there's no 'id' in cpp, recommand return class pointer     static cocos2d::ccscene* scene();      // selector callback     void menuclosecallback(ccobject* psender);       // implement "static node()" method manually     create_func(helloworld);   };  #endif // __helloworld_scene_h__ 

the best way change background colour do:


during scene init() method. way can skip cclayercolor steps, , bonus of better overall performances. cheers!


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