jquery - Unable to run animation -

trying run animation through loop, build succeeds fails perform animation on simulator, below code supposed perform animation

      nsmutablearray *frames = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init]; //supposed loop through file names a0001 a0010 texture file.             (int i=1; i<=10; i++) {                 nsstring *framename = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"a%04i.png",i];                 [frames addobject:[[ccspriteframecache sharedspriteframecache] spriteframebyname:framename]];                 } // set frame speed              ccanimation *a =[ccanimation animationwithspriteframes:frames delay:1.0f/24.0f];  // supposed use restoreoriginalframe method after actionwithanimation since deprecated removed              [mole runaction:[ccanimate actionwithanimation:a]]; 

any highly appreciated, thank you

this how accomplish same thing. difference can see if not load images array, instead these textures loaded memory using sprite sheet.

nsstring * animatecycle = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"imagename 00%%02d.png"]; 

the image names along lines of "imagename 0001.png", "imagename 0002.png", , on.

ccactioninterval * action = [ccanimate actionwithspritesequence:animatecycle numframes:8 delay:.1 restoreoriginalframe:yes]; [mysprite runaction:action]; 

this cycle through images based on designated delay.

i hope helps.


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