ios - Trouble changing background image of navigationbar back button -
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i believe have tried other solutions matter.
i use following code change background image of navigationbar backbutton.
uiimage *image = [uiimage imagenamed:@"standard_bt.png"]; [[uibarbuttonitem appearance] setbackbuttonbackgroundimage:image forstate:uicontrolstatenormal barmetrics:uibarmetricsdefault];
this makes button appear this:
without code, appears this:
now, background image first picture, backbutton shape of second picture.
note: achieve without having modify image named "standard_bt.png"
how do that? possible?
you have done right thing.
ios sdk doesn't provide convenience method change shape of uiimage object according standard backbutton's shape.
that said, answer is: no, can not realize shaped backbutton customization without changing button's background image itself.
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