How to use the Web Publishing Pipeline and Web Deploy (MSDEPLOY) to Publish a Console Application? -

i use web deploy publish visual studio "console" application folder on target system.

i have had luck, , have been able produce similar need, not quite.

i've added following console .csproj:

added following projectname.wpp.targets file

<import project="$(msbuildextensionspath32)\microsoft\visualstudio\v10.0\webapplications\microsoft.webapplication.targets" /> 

and i've added following projectname.wpp.targets:

<project defaulttargets="build"  xmlns="" toolsversion="4.0">    <propertygroup>     <deployasiisapp>false</deployasiisapp>     <includesetaclproviderondestination>false</includesetaclproviderondestination>   </propertygroup>   <itemgroup>     <filesforpackagingfromproject include="$(intermediateoutputpath)$(targetfilename).config">       <destinationrelativepath>bin\%(recursivedir)%(filename)%(extension)</destinationrelativepath>       <fromtarget>projectname.wpp.targets</fromtarget>     </filesforpackagingfromproject>   </itemgroup> </project> 

i edit .setparameters.xml file follows:

<parameters>   <setparameter name="iis web application name" value="c:\company\project" /> </parameters> 

when deploy using generated .cmd file, files deployed c:\company\project\bin.

that's not bad, i'd better. in particular, i'd omit "bin" folder , put files in "c:\company\project" folder, , i'd able specify acls

has been able work around these problems?

ok, here's way how omit 'bin' folder.
first of all, i'd emphasize msdeploy-related stuff web apps deployment, , 'bin' folder seems me almost hardcoded inside. if want rid of - have dirty things. did.

we'll have change $(msbuildextensionspath32)\microsoft\visualstudio\v10.0\webapplications\microsoft.webapplication.targets project little bit, it's better change not it, it's copy.


1.backup $(msbuildextensionspath32)\microsoft\visualstudio\v10.0\webapplications\microsoft.webapplication.targets(alternatively, install package, redirect csproj file microsoft.webapplication.targets file obtained package , work it).
2. in $(msbuildextensionspath32)\microsoft\visualstudio\v10.0\webapplications\microsoft.webapplicaton.targets find xml node looks <copypipelinefiles pipelineitems="@(filesforpackagingfromproject)"(there several ones of them, take 1 line ~2570).
3. comment node out, replace custom one, like:

<!-- <copypipelinefiles pipelineitems="@(filesforpackagingfromproject)"                        sourcedirectory="$(webpublishpipelineprojectdirectory)"                        targetdirectory="$(wppallfilesinsinglefolder)"                        skipmetadataexcludetrueitems="true"                        updateitemspec="true"                        deleteitemsmarkasexcludetrue ="true"                    condition="'@(filesforpackagingfromproject)' != ''">   <output taskparameter="resultpipelineitems" itemname="_filesforpackagingfromprojecttempory"/> </copypipelinefiles>-->  <!-- copying files package folder in 'custom'(dirty) way --> <createitem include="$(outputpath)\**\*.*">   <output taskparameter="include" itemname="yourfilestocopy" /> </createitem> <copy sourcefiles="@(yourfilestocopy)"       destinationfiles="@(yourfilestocopy->'$(wppallfilesinsinglefolder)\%(recursivedir)%(filename)%(extension)')" /> 

4. projectname.wpp.targets don't have have filesforpackagingfromproject, like:

<!-- targets -->     <propertygroup>       <deployasiisapp>false</deployasiisapp>       <includesetaclproviderondestination>false</includesetaclproviderondestination>     </propertygroup>     <itemgroup>     <!-- intentionally left blank -->     </itemgroup>     </project> 

that's it. worked me(tm), tested. let me honest, don't approach, way made working in needed way. it's whether you'll use in project or not.

my opinion not use msdeploy here - not task.
better write msbuild-scripts scratch or accept 'bin' folder, , fight against framework again once next customization required.


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