can't get the category ID ( java/sql ) -

i have 2 tables: salon_stock categories

the salon_stock table has fk column cat_id of categories table

categories table have 2 columns cat_id & title

in below code trying insert cat_id belong category name retrieved jcombobox along data of salon_stock table

    private void addstock() throws sqlexception,nullpointerexception {

int catid = 0;

string cat=cat_list.getselecteditem().tostring();

if (cat.equals("select category")) { resultset rs = con.createstatement().executequery("select * categories title=' default'"); if({ catid=rs.getint("cat_id"); } else{ throw new sqlexception("the 'default' category not found in categories table"); } } else{ resultset rs = con.createstatement().executequery("select * categories title=' "+cat+"'"); if({ catid=rs.getint("cat_id"); } } ps1 = con.preparestatement("insert "+tablename+"(title,price,qty,cat_id) values( ?,?,?,?)"); ps1.setstring(1,title_field.gettext()); ps1.setint(2,integer.parseint(price_field.gettext())); ps1.setint(3,integer.parseint(qty_field.gettext())); ps1.setint(4,catid); ps1.executeupdate(); ps1.closeoncompletion(); }

the code runs fine in table, inserts '0' value cat_id column of stock_table.

i unable detect error.. please me..

maybe space in query error:

"select * categories title=' "+cat+"'" 

must be

"select * categories title='"+cat+"'" 


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