php - Deep Associations works with recursive => 2 but too slow to load -

i have 3 models product having product_family_id foreign key productfamily , productfamily have customer_id foreign key customer. putting recursive 2 in product model allow me customer name customer product. slow data vast

tried using bind model below. didn't worked me. using cakephp framework.

$this->product->bindmodel(array( 'belongsto' => array(                'productfamily' => array(                    'foreignkey' => false,                    'conditions' =>                          array('product.product_family_id =')                    ),                'customer' => array(                    'foreignkey' => false,                    'conditions' =>                          array('productfamily.customer_id =')                    )                )            ));  

use containable

the containable behaviour data want without overhead of recursive 2

set in appmodel make apply models @ once , read on docs on how use it

class appmodel extends model {      public $actsas = array('containable');     public $recursive = -1; } 

for interfaces in application, may not need information model. 1 thing containablebehavior cut down on find() returns.

it possbible set on models use , set recursive -1 right before find (in wich use 'contain') in eyes best practise models


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