jqplot same properties for multiple plots -

question reusing plot properties e.g.

plot_x = $.jqplot('somedivid_x', [line], {   grid: {         background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)",         drawborder: false,         shadow: false,         color: "#fff"     },      series:[      {       pointlabels:{        show: true,        location:'s',        ypadding : 5,        edgetolerance : -100,      }}],     seriescolors: ["#ff666d"],     seriesdefaults:{         renderer:$.jqplot.barrenderer,         rendereroptions: {           filltozero: true,           barwidth: '60'         }     },     axes: {         xaxis: {             renderer: $.jqplot.dateaxisrenderer,         },         yaxis: {              min:0,             max:100         }     } }); 

this plot definition attached somedivid_x. want reuse definition similar plots using same properties

this how can achieve it.

var plotoptions = {   grid: {         background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)",         drawborder: false,         shadow: false,         color: "#fff"     },      series:[      {       pointlabels:{        show: true,        location:'s',        ypadding : 5,        edgetolerance : -100,      }}],     seriescolors: ["#ff666d"],     seriesdefaults:{         renderer:$.jqplot.barrenderer,         rendereroptions: {           filltozero: true,           barwidth: '60'         }     },     axes: {         xaxis: {             renderer: $.jqplot.dateaxisrenderer,         },         yaxis: {              min:0,             max:100         }     } };  plot_x = $.jqplot('somedivid_x', [line], plotoptions); plot_y = $.jqplot('somedivid_y', [line], plotoptions); plot_z = $.jqplot('somedivid_z', [line], plotoptions); 


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