javascript - Multiple file upload/submit forms -

i have single page multiple file upload forms. generated in loop.

problem: first file upload control works, , rest don't.

<div>     <form action="/docs/1046/uploaddocument?id=1046&amp;propertytypeid=1" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">         <input name="x-http-method-override" type="hidden" value="put">                                                        <div style="display: none">                            <label for="filecommercial_transport_license"></label>                                                        <input id="filecommercial_transport_license" name="filecommercial_transport_license" type="file" onchange=" $('#btnsubmitdata').click(); ">                 <input id="btnsubmitdata" type="submit" onclick=" txt = $('#filecommercial_transport_license').val(); alert(txt); ">                       </div>                        <div>                                   <label>                     document 1:                 </label>                 <button type="button" onclick=" $('#filecommercial_transport_license').click(); ">upload 1</button>             </div>     </form>     <form action="/docs/1046/uploaddocument?id=1046&amp;propertytypeid=5" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">         <input name="x-http-method-override" type="hidden" value="put">             <div style="display: none">                 <label for="fileclean_criminal_record"></label>                 <input id="fileclean_criminal_record" name="fileclean_criminal_record" type="file" onchange=" $('#btnsubmitdata').click(); ">                     <input id="btnsubmitdata" type="submit" onclick=" txt = $('#fileclean_criminal_record').val(); alert(txt); ">             </div>             <div>                 <label>                     document 2:                 </label>                 <button type="button" onclick=" $('#fileclean_criminal_record').click(); ">upload 2</button>             </div>     </form> </div> 

jsfiddle sample:

make id #btnsubmitdata unique. should fix problem.


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