java - Does Hibernate Fully Support SQLite -

jboss hibernate doesn't support sqlite -

and same mentioned in below so:


can please highlight this. want use embedded sqlite hibernate swing desktop application.

i evaluating derby (javadb) can embedded , part of jdk.

since sqlite embedded database c-like environments, written in c , compiled native code, changes hibernate (or orm) support aren't high. java cross-platform , bit weird have platform-dependent dependency. on android, sqlite used, there platform supplies jdbc driver it.

usually, windows binaries compatible on different windows versions - long architecture stays same. if @ sqlite download page you'll notice there's 32-bit pre-built windows binary. 1 can used on windows version (except windows rt, maybe), cannot use on linux or os x. in order use sqlite java, need include correct binary specific os / architecture, making java application platform-dependent. don't want.

if you're building desktop application in swing , want use embedded database, suggestion use java embedded database, h2, hsql or derby. latter shipped oracle java javadb.

as noted below @akostadinov, there may other factors want consider, example fact sqlite written in native code , hence may have better performance. in end, 1 can decide database best 1 building system.


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