cdi - cannot inject (@EJB) ejb using its superclass -

i learning both cdi , ejb. looking @ weld's explanation of cdi (, states

the unrestricted set of bean types session bean contains local interfaces of bean , superinterfaces. if session bean has bean class local view, unrestricted set of bean types contains bean class , superclasses. in addition, java.lang.object bean type of every session bean. remote interfaces not included in set of bean types.

i trying test particular part

the unrestricted set of bean types contains bean class , superclasses

so have created 2 ejbs: referencedejb extends dummyparent , mainejb has reference ejb

package com.etm.ejbtest;  public abstract class dummyparent {     public dummyparent() {     }      public void sayhi() {         system.out.println("hi!");     } }

package com.etm.ejbtest;  import javax.annotation.postconstruct; import javax.ejb.singleton; import javax.ejb.startup;   @singleton @startup public class referencedejb extends dummyparent  {     public referencedejb() {     }      @postconstruct     protected void init() {         system.out.println("init of referencedejb");     } }

package com.etm.ejbtest;  import javax.annotation.postconstruct; import javax.ejb.ejb; import javax.ejb.singleton; import javax.ejb.startup;  @singleton @startup public class mainejb {     @ejb     private dummyparent dummyparent;      public mainejb() {     }      @postconstruct     protected void init() {         system.out.println("init of mainejb");         dummyparent.sayhi();     } } 

i running on jboss 7 error saying

no ejb found interface of type 'com.etm.ejbtest.dummyparent' binding com.etm.ejbtest.mainejb/dummyparent

any idea why not work?

don't confuse cdi , @ejb annotation; @ejb injection managed ejb container, not cdi; inject ejb, , dummyparent not ejb.

this sounds counter-intuitive new on scene. ejbs came along before official java ee support cdi.

a google search injecting ejbs via cdi may shed light on you.


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