vb.net - Loading text from a file into a textbox -

i'm trying place text text file in textbox, textbox remains blank after code executes. how can fix this?

dim fileno1 integer = freefile() fileopen(fileno1, "c:\users\main computer\desktop\vb test\gyn-obs-d.txt", openmode.input, openaccess.read, openshare.shared) dim y boolean = 0 dim c = 0 textbox1.text = "1" while not eof(fileno1)     c += 1     dim txt string = lineinput(fileno1)     debug.writeline(txt)     dim inputstring string = txt      textbox1.text = txt     if c = 40         y = 1         exit     end if     write1(inputstring, y) loop fileclose(fileno1) 

edit: added class still wrong

' of course these next 2 @ top imports system imports system.io

class test     public shared sub main()         try             ' create instance of streamreader read file.             ' using statement closes streamreader.             using sr new streamreader("testfile.txt")                 dim line string                 ' read , display lines file until end of                 ' file reached.                                     line = sr.readline()                     if not (line nothing)                         console.writeline(line)                     end if                          textbox1.text=line                   loop until line nothing             end using         catch e exception             ' let user know went wrong.             console.writeline("the file not read:")             console.writeline(e.message)         end try     end sub end class 

how about

textbox.text = system.io.file.readalltext("c:\users\main computer\desktop\vb test\gyn-obs-d.txt") 

if long

textbox.text = system.io.file.readalltext("c:\users\main computer\desktop\vb test\gyn-obs-d.txt").substring(0,1000) 


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