vba - Macro runs perfectly in excel but error message when called in powershell -

i have written macro calls 3 other macros inside of in order use public variable in 3 macros . macro runs excel when try , call macro in power shell receive error message.

here macro works in excel:

public fnum integer sub master_macro() combine_workbooks automate_search delete_duplicate end sub 

here powershell code:

#powershellscript test automation of 80% test # start excel $excel = new-object -comobject excel.application #open file $filepath = 'c:\file build project\!notes filebuild project\pf pm data collection                workbook-template our macro' $workbook = $excel.workbooks.open($filepath) #no point see excel since else shutdown in vba $excel.visible = $false $excel.displayalerts = $false #run macro save workbook close excel $excel.run("master_macro") $workbook.save() $excel.quit() 

finally here error message receive when powershell run:

exception calling "run" "31" argument(s): "cannot run macro 'delete_duplicates'. macro may not availabl e in workbook or macros may disabled." @ c:\file build project\testing\powershellscript_test_automation.ps1:17 char:11 + $excel.run <<<< ("delete_duplicates") + categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [], methodinvocationexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : dotnetmethodexception

any appreciated


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