Current Android Mobile Sound Profile -

how know current android mobile sound profile? mean whether device in either silent/meeting or etc...

can send device current profile status others?

audiomanager = (audiomanager)getsystemservice(context.audio_service);  switch (am.getringermode()) {     case audiomanager.ringer_mode_silent:         log.i("myapp","silent mode");         break;     case audiomanager.ringer_mode_vibrate:         log.i("myapp","vibrate mode");         break;     case audiomanager.ringer_mode_normal:         log.i("myapp","normal mode");         break; }   private static boolean isairplanemodeon(context context) {     return settings.system.getint(context.getcontentresolver(),            settings.system.airplane_mode_on, 0) != 0;  } 


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