php - Unable to access array inside geocoder -

i have array outside geocoder, when want use array inside geocoder values of array undefined

var titles = new array(<?php echo implode(",",$titles); ?>); var length = postcode.length;  (var = 0; < length; i++) {     geocoder.geocode({'address': postcode[i]}, function(results, status)     {         if (status == google.maps.geocoderstatus.ok)          {             lat2 = results[0];             lng2 = results[0].geometry.location.lng();             var latlng = new google.maps.latlng(lat2, lng2);              var marker = new google.maps.marker({                               position: latlng,                               map: map,                               title: titles[i],                                icon: icon});             // alert(titles[i]) - undefined         }     } } 


var titles = <?php echo json_encode($titles); ?>; 


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