multithreading - Delphi - can't supress JavaScript error dialogs using IWebBrowser2 in a multi-threaded application -
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i have app in delphi xe2 (runs on win7 x64, msie 10.0.9200.16635 installed), creates multiple threads. each thread creates iwebbrowser2 interface, navigates web page, saves disk, deletes iwebbrowser2 interface , terminates thread. "silent" property of web browser set true. problem urls these errors after terminating working thread (e.g. web browser should not exist anymore: screenshot1 screenshot2
these javascript errors, first 1 says "function expected", url res://ieframe.dll/preview.js, , other 1 "the callee (server [not server application]) not available , disappeared; connecitons invalid. call did not execute". url same, res://ieframe.dll/preview.js. need supress these error dialogs, can't. iwebbrowser2 not have "scripterrorssuppressed" property, can't go way. first message , other one. have spent 3 days looking answer , helpless. working threads job, have no memory leaks - problem these error dialogs. have disabled debugging , error messages in msie's advanced options, not help. think can happening here after thread , objects "officially" deleted, javascript page still being executed somewhere in memory. then, discovers browser object gone , that's why getting second message "the callee (server...".
here code:
function atlaxattachcontrol(const pcontrol: iunknown; hwnd: hwnd; ppunkcontainer: iunknown): dword; stdcall; external 'atl.dll'; procedure twpthread.execute; const clsid_internetexplorer: tguid = '{8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2}'; var wndclass: twndclassex; webbrowser: iwebbrowser2; handle: hwnd; msg:tmsg; iall:ihtmlelement; begin fillchar(wndclass, sizeof(wndclass), 0); wndclass begin cbsize := sizeof(wndclass); lpszclassname := 'message_only_window'; lpfnwndproc := @defwindowproc; end; registerclassex(wndclass); handle := createwindowex(0, wndclass.lpszclassname, nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dword(hwnd_message), 0, 0, nil); if (handle = 0) raise exception.create('createwindowex'); try coinitializeex(nil, coinit_apartmentthreaded); if (cocreateinstance(clsid_internetexplorer, nil, clsctx_inproc_server, iid_iwebbrowser2, webbrowser) <> s_ok) raise exception.create('cocreateinstance'); try atlaxattachcontrol(webbrowser, handle, nil); webbrowser.silent:=true; webbrowser.navigate('', emptyparam, emptyparam, emptyparam, emptyparam) ; while (webbrowser.readystate <> readystate_complete) begin while peekmessage(msg, 0, 0, 0, pm_remove) dispatchmessage(msg); sleep(1); end; // messageboxw(0, pwidechar((wb.document ihtmldocument2).title), '', 0); iall := (webbrowser.document ihtmldocument2).body; while iall.parentelement <> nil iall := iall.parentelement; form1.memo1.text := iall.outerhtml; form1.memo1.lines.savetofile('d:\memo.html'); webbrowser:=nil; end; destroywindow(handle); couninitialize; end; end; procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); begin twpthread.create; end;
what doing wrong? there method can prevent appearing these error dialogs? thinking injecting own javascript in downloaded page - e.g. own window.onerror handler supress error, not sure if correct way, , not javascript, code injecting stuff.
any appreciated, thank you! ace.
you can disable script debugger using registry additionally using "silent" property, in c# (code taken cswebbrowsersuppresserror). can done 1 time on start of application. take on @locster answer
var newvalue = value ? "yes" : "no"; using (registrykey iemainkey = registry.currentuser.opensubkey( @"software\microsoft\internet explorer\main", true)) { string keyvalue = iemainkey.getvalue("disable script debugger") string; if (!keyvalue.equals(newvalue, stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase)) { iemainkey.setvalue("disable script debugger", newvalue); } }
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