kendo Grid grouping incompatibility with row template -

when i'm using other "groupable" row template doesn't work in kendo grid before there no problem , how use grouping of row template

i put code wrote in review do

jsfiddle :

click here check jsfiddle

 <script>     $(document).ready(function () {          var ds = new{             transport: {                 read: {                     url: '/api/clientssnapshot',                     datatype: 'json',                     type: 'get'                 }             }         });          $('.table').kendogrid({             datasource: ds,             sortable: true,             groupable: true,             selectable: true,             navigatable: true,             height: 500,             scrollable: true,             rowtemplate: kendo.template($("#client-row-template").html().replace('class="k-alt"', '')),             altrowtemplate: kendo.template($("#client-row-template").html()),//@class="k-alt"@             databound: function () {                 $('.spark').sparkline([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 85, 2, 1]);                 //$('.spark').each(function (i, e) {                 //    var $this = $(this);                 //    //$this.attr('data-inrate'));                 //    var arr = eval('[' + $this.attr('data-inrate') + ']');                 //    console.log(this);                  //    $this.sparkline(arr);                 //});              }          });      }); </script> <body class="menu_hover">  <script id="client-row-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">    <tr role="row" class="k-alt">               <td role="gridcell" >#=   mac #</td>              <td role="gridcell" >#=   radioname #</td>               <td role="gridcell" >  <a href="http://#= apip #" target="_blank">#=apname#</a>   </td>              <td role="gridcell" >  <a href="http://#= remoteip #" target="_blank">#=remoteip#</a>   </td>               <td role="gridcell" > <a href=#"#= accountingid #" target="_blank" > #= accountingname # </a> </td>              <td role="gridcell" >#=  tx #</td>              <td role="gridcell" >#=  rx #</td>               <td role="gridcell" >#= signal #</td>               <td role="gridcell" >#= uptime #</td>               <td role="gridcell">                      <span class="spark" data-inrate="#= inratehistory #"  >   </span>                  </td>     </tr> </script>              <div class="span6 box gradient main_stting">                 <div class="datatables_filter" id="txtsearch">                     <label>                         search:                         <input type="text" aria-controls="datatables_table_0"></label>                 </div>                  <div class="title">                     <h3></h3>                 </div>                 <div class="content">                      <table class="table">                         <colgroup>                             <!-- mac           -->                             <col style="width: 170px">                             <col style="width: 150px">                             <col style="width: 80px">                             <col style="width: 160px">                             <col style="width: 130px">                             <col style="width: 44px">                             <col style="width: 50px">                             <col style="width: 50px">                             <col style="width: 78px">                             <!-- usage         -->                             <!--                 <col style="width: 100px" />-->                         </colgroup>                         <thead>                             <tr>                                 <th>mac</th>                                 <th>radio</th>                                 <th>ap</th>                                 <th>remote ip</th>                                 <th>name</th>                                 <th>tx</th>                                 <th>rx</th>                                 <th>signal</th>                                 <th>uptime</th>                                 <th>usage</th>                             </tr>                         </thead>                     </table>                 </div>             </div>   </body></html> 

when group cells, kendoui inserts new cell in front of existing done standard template, not templates.

my recommendation switching template each cell. column definition become:

columns : [     { field: "mac", title: "mac", width: 170 },     { field: "radioname", title: "radio", width: 150 },     { field: "apname", title: "ap", width: 80, template: '<a href="http://#= apip #" target="_blank">#=apname#</a>' },     { field: "remoteip", title: "remote ip", width: 160, template: '<a href="http://#= remoteip #" target="_blank">#=remoteip#</a>' },     { field: "accountingname", title: "name", width: 130, template: '<a href="#= accountingid #" target="_blank"> #= accountingname # </a>' },     { field: "tx", title: "tx", width: 44  },     { field: "rx", title: "rx", width: 50 },     { field: "signal", title: "signal", width: 50 },     { field: "uptime", title: "uptime", width: 78},     { field: "usage", title: "usage", template: '<span class="spark" data-inrate="#= inratehistory #">   </span>'  },     { command: [ "edit" ], title: "&nbsp;" } ], 

in addition, define grid html placeholder as:

<div class="table"></div> 

your jsfiddle modified here:


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