Creating an OSX application without Xcode -

i'm new os x, , i'm trying create simple application without xcode. did found other sites doing that, cannot attach event handlers button.

below code (crafted other sites). creates window , button, don't know how attach event button:

#import <cocoa/cocoa.h>  @interface myclass -(void)buttonpressed; @end  @implementation myclass  -(void)buttonpressed {     nslog(@"button pressed!");       //do want here...      nsalert *alert = [[[nsalert alloc] init] autorelease];     [alert setmessagetext:@"hi there."];     [alert runmodal]; }   @end    int main () {     [nsautoreleasepool new];     [nsapplication sharedapplication];     [nsapp setactivationpolicy:nsapplicationactivationpolicyregular];     id menubar = [[nsmenu new] autorelease];     id appmenuitem = [[nsmenuitem new] autorelease];     [menubar additem:appmenuitem];     [nsapp setmainmenu:menubar];     id appmenu = [[nsmenu new] autorelease];     id appname = [[nsprocessinfo processinfo] processname];     id quittitle = [@"quit " stringbyappendingstring:appname];     id quitmenuitem = [[[nsmenuitem alloc] initwithtitle:quittitle         action:@selector(terminate:) keyequivalent:@"q"] autorelease];     [appmenu additem:quitmenuitem];     [appmenuitem setsubmenu:appmenu];     id window = [[[nswindow alloc] initwithcontentrect:nsmakerect(0, 0, 200, 200)         stylemask:nstitledwindowmask backing:nsbackingstorebuffered defer:no]             autorelease];       [window cascadetopleftfrompoint:nsmakepoint(20,20)];     [window settitle:appname];     [window makekeyandorderfront:nil];      int x = 10;      int y = 100;       int width = 130;     int height = 40;       nsbutton *mybutton = [[[nsbutton alloc] initwithframe:nsmakerect(x, y, width, height)] autorelease];     [[window contentview] addsubview: mybutton];     [mybutton settitle: @"button title!"];     [mybutton setbuttontype:nsmomentarylightbutton]; //set type button want     [mybutton setbezelstyle:nsroundedbezelstyle]; //set style want       [mybutton setaction:@selector(buttonpressed)];       [nsapp activateignoringotherapps:yes];     [nsapp run];     return 0; } 

first of all, don't avoid xcode because beginner. being beginner 1 of many reasons use xcode. resorting fully-manually-implemented code have naive way develop applications os x , you'll encounter far more difficulties worth, non-trivial.

having said that, reason button isn't doing because button doesn't have target. actions require target. in case, want create instance of myclass class (note class names in objective-c conventionally named in upper camelcase, i.e. myclass). note action method should take argument (which sender of action), if unused.

- (void) buttonpressed:(id) sender {     nslog(@"button pressed!");       //do want here...      nsalert *alert = [[[nsalert alloc] init] autorelease];     [alert setmessagetext:@"hi there."];     [alert runmodal]; }  // ...  myclass *mc = [[myclass alloc] init];  [mybutton settarget:mc]; [mybutton setaction:@selector(buttonpressed:)]; 

i can't stress enough how ridiculous of code is. bite bullet , dive xcode!


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