cordova - Audio file uploading to server using phonegap and receiving result in android -

i trying upload audio file server every alternate upload gets failed.

e/filetransfer(10242): {"target":"http:\/\/abc:8080\/foldername\/foldername\/test.php?" , "source":"file:\/\/\/storage\/sdcard0\/voice.wav","code":3} e/filetransfer(10242): 

my code:

var gotfilesystem = function(filesystem) { filesystem.root.getdirectory(dirname, { create : true }, function(datadir) { fileuri = datadir.fullpath; fileuri = fileuri + '/' + filename; var options = new fileuploadoptions(); options.filekey = "file"; options.filename = fileuri.substr(fileuri.lastindexof('/') + 1); options.mimetype = filemime; $.mobile.showpageloadingmsg(); var ft = new filetransfer(); ft.upload(fileuri, encodeuri(url), win, fail, options); $.mobile.hidepageloadingmsg(); }, dirfail); }; 

instead of getting directory (getdirectory) file directly using (getfile) method.

       var filepath =  "myfolder/myfile.mp3";        var fileuploadurl = "fileupload.jsp";         window.requestfilesystem(localfilesystem.persistent, 0,function(fs){                      fs.root.getfile(filepath,{create: false, exclusive: false}, function(mediafile){                             var ft = new filetransfer();                             var fpath = mediafile.fullpath;                             var fname =;                              var options = new fileuploadoptions();                                 options.filekey = "mediafile";                                 options.filename = fname;                                  options.mimetype = "audio/mpeg";                                 ft.upload(fpath, fileuploadurl,                                     function(result) {                                                                                 console.log('upload success: ' + result.responsecode);                                        console.log(result.bytessent + ' bytes sent');                                       },                                     function(error) {                                          console.log('error uploading file ' + fpath + ': ' + error.code);                                      },options);                                 ft.abort();                       }, null);                  } , null); 



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