android - How to Create ksoap2 Request Object -

i struggling creating soap request following soap request:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>         <soap-env:envelope xmlns:soap-env="" xmlns:soapsdk1="" xmlns:soapsdk2="" xmlns:soapsdk3="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap-env:header/><soap-env:body><ns1:authenticate xmlns:ns1="urn:login" soap-env:encodingstyle="">     <msgstr xsi:type="xsd:string"><message messageid="0">               <entity name="ref_login">                 <property name="login_cd" value="abc" type="string"/>                 <property name="password" value="abc" type="string"/>                 <property name="machine_name" value="iphone simulator" type="string"/>                 <property name="language_code" value="en" type="string"/&gt;                 <property name="client_version_cd" value="xl7.11" type="string"/>               </entity>             </message></msgstr></ns1:authenticate></soap-env:body></soap-env:envelope> 

hope : have posted snip of code here : replace ur values appropriately

        soapobject request = new soapobject(namespace, method_name);         propertyinfo propinfo1 = new propertyinfo();         propinfo1.setname("input_if_any");         propinfo1.setvalue(1);         propinfo1.settype(int.class);         request.addproperty(propinfo1);         soapserializationenvelope envelope = new soapserializationenvelope(                 soapenvelope.ver11);         envelope.dotnet = true; // put if web service .net 1         envelope.setoutputsoapobject(request);         httptransportse androidhttptransport = new httptransportse(url);         try {   , envelope);             // soapprimitive response = (soapprimitive)envelope.getresponse();             object response1 = envelope.getresponse();             soapobject response = (soapobject) response1;              log.i("myapp", response1.tostring());             if (response1.tostring().equalsignorecase("true")) {                 result = true;             } 


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