winforms - How to create radiobuttons programatically on a datagridview -

i'm using c# in visual studio 2010. have datagridview on winform. 1 column contain radio buttons only. each row have 3 radio buttons. i'm not sure understand needed that. appreciated.

create datagridviewcheckboxcolumn , connect cellcontentclick event. use code:

private void datagridview1_cellcontentclick(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e)   {      if (e.columnindex == 0)// checkbox column      {         object curr =            datagridview1[e.columnindex, e.rowindex].value;          if (curr == null || (bool)(curr) == false)         {            (int = 0; < datagridview1.rowcount; i++)            {               if (i != e.rowindex)               {                  datagridview1[e.columnindex, i].value = false;               }            }         }      }   } 


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