ssdt - SQLPackage error: An item with the same key has already been added -

i error sqlpackage: "an item same key has been added" meaning? google won't me..

"c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sql server\110\dac\bin\sqlpackage.exe" /action:deployreport /sourcefile:"xxx.dacpac" /profile:"publish.xml" outputpath:"report.xml"

generating report database 'xxx' on server 'srv'.

* item same key has been added.

no output file created.

generate script visual studio works (i script). have tested 3 projects in same solution. 1 creates deploymentreport-file.

publish works.

i ran issue. else gets this, try following.

  1. delete [project].dbmdl file in root of project folder.
  2. close , re-open project.
  3. clean solution/project.
  4. build dacpac again.
  5. publish/script/report dacpac.

i believe related cache of dependancies becoming corrupt.


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