PHP: locale-dependent float to string cast -

i'm sitting on machine en_us locale , piece of php code

setlocale(lc_all,'de_de.utf8'); var_dump((string)1.234); 


string(5) "1.234" 

whereas on colleague's machine has german locale, returns

string(5) "1,234" 

why heck php use locale when typecasting floats strings? how can disable it? i'd have function return string(5) "1.234" on machines, regardless of locale settings.

secondly , less important: why php ignore setlocale on machine?

why heck php use locale when typecasting floats strings?

that's it's behaviour

how can disable it?

you can't (as far know).

you may set locale en_us if have locale installed.

i'd have function return string(5) "1.234" on machines, regardless of locale settings.

you have 2 options:

1) number_format(1.234, 3, '.', '');

2) sprintf('%.3f', 1.234);

in both cases have specify how may decimal digits want.

in second case may not specify them , default value of 6.

if don't want trailing zeroes may trim them.

secondly , less important: why php ignore setlocale on machine?

as devzer0 commented may not have locale installed.


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