newly created template's templateDetails.xml is not working in joomla 1.5 -

i've created joomla templates. instructed have placed files , folders inside , linked css file in index.php when cut text in templatedetails.xml still showing previous in browsers , @ positions after doing clean refresh. why taking position , css, i'm surprised.


as per comments have been placing templatedetails.xml contents

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype install public "-//joomla! 1.5//dtd template 1.0//en" ""> <install version="1.5" type="template">         <name>bini7a</name>         <creationdate>mon, jun-10, 2013</creationdate>         <author>bhojendra rauniyar</author>         <authoremail></authoremail>         <authorurl></authorurl>         <copyright>bhojendra rauniyar</copyright>         <license>gnu/gpl</license>         <version>1.0</version>         <description>bini7a: bhojendra template</description>         <files>                 <filename>index.php</filename>                 <filename>templatedetails.xml</filename>                 <folder>images</folder>                 <folder>css</folder>         </files>         <positions>              <position>headera1</position>              <position>headera2</position>              <position>mid</position>              <position>headerb1</position>              <position>headerc1</position>              <position>headerd</position>              <position>left</position>              <position>right</position>         </positions> </install> 

but if delete these positions work correctly defined position , css

the positions specified within joomla's templatedetails.xml needed when configuring module positions within administrator's module manager. once position has been set appear templatedetails.xml file not need referenced again display module in requested position.

to remove these positions permanently, either uninstall template , reinstall new xml file or (the better) remove positions template's index.php file.

you're looking jdoc statements below:

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="headera1" />

see more information on jdoc statements.

i hope helps solve dilemma.


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