html - SVG added to DOM using javascript is not visible. -

i have valid svg file verified opening in image viewer.

i tried adding svg html file using javascript code

d3.xml("assets/abc.svg", function(xml) {    document.body.appendchild(xml.documentelement); }); 

i check html source , can see svg added in html. svg not visible on page. idea reason?

note :

  1. d3 working fine.
  2. the svg valid.
  3. the svg getting added dom structure within body.'
  4. its not visible in both chrome , firefox.

works ok me in ie/ff/ch. have valid svg, following in root svg:

<svg    xmlns:svg=""    xmlns="" ...> 

if have namespace, problem svg not formed correctly. or possibly, svg not viewable i.e. display="none" or viewbox tiny


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