parsing - Generic scala json parser playframework 2 -
i'm using play2.1.1 in scala , i'm trying make writes[indexresults[t]] definition of indexresults[t] can find @ end of file . my code: import com.github.cleverage.elasticsearch.scalahelpers._ import com.github.cleverage.elasticsearch._ // used others stuffs ... val writeresults: writes[scalahelpers.indexresults[t]] = ( (__ \ "totalcount").write[long] , (__ \ "pagesize").write[long] , (__ \ "pagecurrent").write[long] , (__ \ "pagenb").write[long] , (__ \ "results").write[list[t]](writes) )(unlift(scalahelpers.indexresults[t].unapply)) my error: overloaded method value write alternatives: [error] (t: list[t])(implicit w: play.api.libs.json.writes[list[t]])play.api.libs.json.owrites[play.api.libs.json.jsvalue] <and> [error] (implicit w: play.api.libs.json.writes[list[t]])play.api.libs.json.owrites[list[t]] [error] cannot applied (play.api.libs.json.writes[t]) [error] (__ \ "results")...